Bhealthy Online health ecommercewebsite and internet shopping facility is acomplimentary service to the Bhealthy shops in the Cape Winelands which offers clientsall over South Africa and internationally access to up to date health information and theconvenience of quality supplements and vitamins at competitive prices. The website hasbeen upgraded and enhanced many times to offer more products, afford a better servicewith more information to enable easier to use functions for clients. Our extremely costeffective, quick door to door delivery service makes online shopping a pleasure.Features include smart search for products, ailments or health topics. Also available is acategory bar showing health supplements, specific foods, natural beauty, products forchildren, pets and more. Health articles and a list of ailments are constantly underdevelopment to assist clients with their health problems. Health practitioners areavailable to answer health queries and assist with choices. The new mobile, tablet and ipad apps have made the shopping experience more available and easier.Bhealthy prides itself in only selling high quality supplements, at affordable rates. Theproducts have been carefully chosen, tried and tested over 8 years in South Africa andare almost entirely Health Shop only select vitamins and supplements that are subject toproper quality control.We provide a full consultation service at both shops by highly qualified Natural MedicinePractitioners, specialising in Live Blood Analysis, Iridology, Nutrition and herbal medicine.We sincerely believe in finding and treating the cause of the disease/ailment. Propernutrition plays a vital and essential role in achieving and maintain good health.